St. Clair County Head Start

An invitation to serve our community? Why of course we would LOVE to…THANK YOU St. Clair County Head Start for inviting Pell City Animal Hospital to talk to your classes about Pet Safety.
Jayme, with her “stuffed” friends in tow, enjoyed spending time with the boys and girls as they shared stories about their own pets. Jayme is one of 4 Licensed Veterinary Technicians at PCAH and is also our groomer, so she has had lots of experience with dogs and cats in many situations. She explained to the children how they could tell if a dog or cat was receptive to being petted based on their behavior and physical nature. With her stuffed dog and cat to demonstrate possible responses of animals to strangers, the children were able to better understand the mannerisms of a friendly or aggressive dog or a sweet or scared kitty.
The children also enjoyed making Paw Prints with colored ink markers with Jayme and Priscilla and looked forward to coloring puppy and kitten pages with their own individual boxes of crayons provided by PCAH.
Another day spreading the message about pet safety and ownership responsibility…start them young! Thank you St. Clair County Head Start!