Pell City High School

Did someone say community visit? Grab our Pell City Animal Hospital t-shirts “mom”, and let’s go! Lyla and Squishy are ALWAYS willing to suit up and head out in the community to share their precious personalities with young children and our sweet senior citizens!
On this day both pups, Jayme and Katie S., along with Caboose, Jayme’s newest baby, were invited to visit with the Animal Science class at Pell City High School. The students were studying dog breeds, employment opportunities that involve working with dogs, and important roles that dogs play in the working world. Jayme and Katie discussed these topics, answered questions about their employment at Pell City Animal Hospital and played a little Animal Trivia with the students, passing out Chick-fil-A gift cards to the winners!
THANK YOU PCHS for allowing us to visit your campus again!