Pell City High School FFA Ag Career Day
Sharing information about job opportunities in the field of Veterinary Medicine, on this day specializing on Veterinary Technicians, is right up our alley, so we were thrilled to be a part of the Ag Career Day at PCHS!
Jayme, a Licensed Veterinary Technician and Groomer at PCAH, was able to field questions about the difference in a LVT and a Technician Assistant, what a typical day for a technician includes and explained items on display that had been removed from some of our patients. A tri-fold display board shared pics of many of our staff performing the various responsibilities of a technician. Also drawing attention to our booth, we had "Cash" (Jayme's Great Dane) and "Squishy" (a "seasoned" community pup, also Jayme's personal pet) ! These two pups never turn down an opportunity to strut their stuff and ALWAYS welcome pets and lovin'!
THANK YOU to the FFA for letting Pell City Animal Hospital be a part of this outstanding day for your students!