Iola Roberts Elementary School Visit, Pell City
Out and about again, this time dropping in to visit with and read to the kindergarten classes at Iola Roberts Elementary School!
We had the BEST Community Service pups with us, "Cash" and "Squishy", along with their owner, Jayme who is a Licensed Veterinary Technician and Groomer at Pell City Animal Hospital...these 3 are ALL ABOUT being involved in and helping our community!! THANK YOU!
Two new books were shared with the students..."We Want A Dog" and "Maxine's Critters Get the Vaccine Jitters". Jayme always does a fabulous job in finding a way to work in "teaching moments" in a FUN way that the children are able to understand and remember! Caring for and loving and respecting your pets is always included in our cannot start teaching these responsibilities too young!
PCAH left coloring sheets and crayons for each of the students to commemorate our visit! Thank you Iola Roberts for sharing your morning with us!